Saturday, December 29, 2007

3.5 million people fooled

How do you fool 3.5 million people into promoting your book? Tell them it's an experiment. At least that's what Steve Jackson did. The group is called 6 degrees of separation. Steve writes that he "wants to see if it is possible to contact everyone on facebook." Sounds harmless right? This isn't so much as an experiment in sociology as it is an experiment in advertising. The only person allowed to post items to the group is Steve himself and he's posted 2 links: one to an interview with him and the other to his official website, promoting his book "the judas."

Monday, December 24, 2007


Greeeen team. I made this.

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Inside out bears

A compelling art exhibit.found via

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Nimis: Massive fort made of driftwood, claims independance

Only in Sweeden. I hear the pirate bay is considering buying it, :D

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